All-Week-Long Worship
Day-by-Day Discipleship
Moment-by-Moment Mission
Located across the
street from Starbucks
in Downtown Milford, MI.
Staph Meeting I was sitting all alone in a coffee shop with this laptop, deep in thought about something or other. A couple of older ladies sat to my left. I’m not sure how old, maybe my age. But then I saw him, a man with a book, a discussion book. He started to pull […]
continue reading...Worm’s Eye View I learned in art class about perspective, and the difference between the worm’s eye view vs. the eagle’s eye view. The picture will look much different depending on the chosen perspective. I’ve been reading a collection of sermons written by Christopher Love of England in the 1600’s. He died in his 30’s, […]
continue reading...Great Cry and Little Wool It won’t surprise you, if you have read recently, that I am dipping from the well once again of C.H. Spurgeon and his John Ploughman’s Pictures. The artwork at the beginning of the present chapter shows a man shearing his animal in order to collect wool. The problem is that […]
continue reading...Don’t Cut Off your Nose to Spite your Face Spurgeon, in the voice of John Ploughman, says” Anger is a short madness. The less we do when we go mad the better for everybody, and the less we go mad the better for ourselves. He is far gone who hurts himself to wreak his vengeance […]
continue reading...The Value of a Mirror I have spoken recently of figures of speech, and the Bible is full of them. James talks about a man looking in a mirror, but as soon as he walks away, “he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was” (Jas 1:24). Spurgeon in his John Ploughman’s Pictures tells […]
continue reading...In His Steps Charles Sheldon, a Congregational minister, wrote a book with that title in 1897. It is a fictional story that tells of a prosperous and prominent congregation that was moved by a poor beggar who died in their midst, and by the Holy Spirit, to confront what it means to truly follow Jesus […]
continue reading...If your Thoughts only Flow by Drops, You Can’t Pour them out in Bucketfuls There is a book called John Ploughman’s Pictures published back in the 1890’s, or about the time my Grandpa Swayze was born. It was written by C.H. Spurgeon and was part of Moody’s Colportage Library. Spurgeon was a great English preacher, […]
continue reading...Covenant It is said that we live in a transactional age. I suppose that there can be “fair” transactions, that is, deals that are struck that are good for both parties. But often, transactions are enacted with carrots and sticks. You might agree to a deal based not on what you might gain, but rather […]
continue reading...Information I was born quite a few years ago in the industrial age. Some say we now live in the information age. It is not that there is no industry now, or that there was no information before – but information has become our common currency. It is interesting that we don’t know quite what […]
continue reading...Football is our National Religion Multitudes of people will go to church this weekend. But the “church” will be a stadium. They will be involved in a worship experience, but the object of their worship will not be God, but a team of exceptional humans. Some might call this a violation of the first commandment: […]
continue reading...Staph Meeting I was sitting all alone in a coffee shop with this laptop, deep in thought about something or other. A couple of older ladies sat to my left. I’m not sure how old, maybe my age. But then I saw him, a man with a book, a discussion book. He started to pull […]
J. Greshem Machen’s book Christianity and Liberalism has long been a classic defense of orthodox Christian faith against Liberalism. Published in 1923 at the height of the Liberal onslaught against orthodox faith, Machen establishes the traditional teaching of the church on Scripture, God, humanity, salvation, and ecclesiology, are not only defensible but preferable to those […]